Success tips for LinkedIn ads

Thinking about advertising on LinkedIn? You’re not alone.

According to industry research, 71% of B2B marketers incorporate the platform into their advertising strategy.

With over 900 million users globally, a brand built on professional networking and the ability to target market segments, LinkedIn is tailor-made to reach your key audiences. But not all LinkedIn ads are equally effective. A successful campaign requires both strong design and a strategic understanding of your audience, your message and the medium itself. Here’s how to amplify the success of your LinkedIn ad campaigns:

Make an offer
The most effective LinkedIn ads do more than promote awareness of your organization. They offer your audience something of real and immediate value. Whether its a downloadable resource like a white paper or study or access to a webinar or high-profile article, a relevant, enticing offer can help you prove your expertise and increase your click-through rates. And you don’t need to create new content for this — simply repurpose something you already have. Focus not on self-promotion but on serving your audience, even at the advertising stage.

Catch the eye
Use high-quality, eye-catching images to attract and keep attention. Avoid the generic and predictable. Instead, aim to tell a story that illustrates the benefits of your service. Unusual imagery gets your ads a second look and keeps them from being dismissed as digital clutter.

Animate it!
Motion is a powerful trigger for attracting attention and driving action. In fact, studies have shown that animated ads can have click-through rates up to five times higher than their static counterparts and up to 10% better recall, making them a powerful tool for building brand awareness. Even short, subtle animations can help your ad stand out in the LinkedIn feed and highlight your key points.

Consider the carousel
One challenge of advertising professional services on LinkedIn is the need to convey a complex set of messages in a small space. LinkedIn’s carousel ad format offers a solution by letting you showcase multiple images or videos within a single ad. Each card in the carousel can link to a different landing page, providing multiple touchpoints for engagement. Be sure to use consistent branding across the cards. (Unlike carousel social posts, which were discontinued at the end of 2023, carousel advertising is still available as of this writing.)

Take advantage of testing
A/B testing, also known as split testing, lets you test two versions of an ad to see which performs better in click-through and engagement rates. You can define and even segment your target audience based on criteria like job title, industry and company size.[CD1]  For the most meaningful data, try changing just one variable between versions, like a headline, an image or a call to action. Depending on the results, you can optimize your ad strategy by featuring the best-performing elements in future campaigns.

A well-designed LinkedIn ad campaign can increase your exposure by reaching potential buyers where they live. Using these tips, you’ll create LinkedIn ads that capture attention and drive engagement. Want to learn more about how you can leverage LinkedIn ads? Contact Jeorjina Tegel.

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